If you know Mariel aka “Mel”, then you know how instrumental she is in my life. You also know her for being fair, outspoken, truth telling, family oriented, God fearing, and a loving soul. Mel is a wife and a mother of 5, she’s also the rock of our family. Mel has been there to guide me my entire life, told me what I needed to hear, and most importantly loved me like her own son. We are so close that when I got married I stopped dancing with my mom half way through the song and took Mel’s hand to dance the last half with her.

Mel is fighting stage 4 cancer, and it has rocked our family’s world rapidly. Not to my surprise, she still displays to us all how a true servant in Christ lives their life. Her faith and love for Jesus is real……with all she is challenged with her faith continues to give me and our family hope. 

A portion of every sale will be donated to help Mel and her family have some financial relief. If you feel called to donate please visit the link below. Keep an eye out for exclusive limited release drops where EVERY sale will go to the Mel Foundation.

Mel, Anthony, Salvatore, Emilio, Antonio, Gabriel, and Maria I love you all so much. Be strong in your faith and love with all your heart. 

Isaiah 41:10 “Fear not for I am with you, be not dismayed for I am your God, I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand of justice.”

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